Sunday, September 27, 2009

just a post

I spent the whole afternoon with Mercy yesterday. I held her the whole time:-) She is still being fed by tube. She was hooked to the EEG (traditional one not video). They have her on Keppra for her seizures. However she still had a couple of them while I was there. She is also having "crying jags" where she will cry, and cry and her face gets red, but then she quiets and goes back to sleep. She did this a few times yesterday. I don't really have anything new to share on her condition. I do have the most recent pictures though. She is up to full feedings by tube. Mainly because her gag reflex is not strong enough yet. I went to church this morning, and did it feel good to be there. When they started singing th first hymn I suddenly got very emotional and had to run out and I went into the school room and grabbed a kleenex. I was able to compose myself rather quickly and go back into the service. I was fine after that. I know it's just a combination of hormones and stress. Oh they also had Mercy on Valium but they changed it to atavan. This is used to keep her calm. I am not sure I will make it down there today, but I do plan to call and have steve and the girls take milk to her. I don't know what to expect in the days to come but take peace in the One who holds the future. Until another time.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Just wanted to say congratulations on your beautiful baby girl, and that I am praying for Mercy.
