Thursday, March 11, 2010

Happy Spring

Spring is just around the corner indeed!! We have been tremendously busy around here! Baby Mercy had weaned off her meds in Jan. and then in Feb she was prescribed Baclofen for some stiffness. I don't think it is really doing any good, but it helps her settle down when it is bedtime so I give it to her. (not exactly mother of the year is it!). The end of Feb. Mercy had another Dr's appt with the ped. neurologist and he thought she was having something called infantile spasms, at type of brain damaging seizure. She had an EEG that confirmed his suspicions and was then prescribed prednisalone and prevacid to get them under control. Now this med (prednisalone) is a steroid and can cause all kinds of nasty things so we have a visiting home nurse come in three times a week to check her blood pressure, and she has to have a weekly EEG. Unfortunately Mercy's reaction to this drug has not always been good. Last Friday and Saturday were the worst. She acted like she as crawling out of her skin! The Ped. told us that this IS normal and that she will get used to it, but could not tell how long that would take. She is doing much, much better now but is not back to her old self! She will be on this drug for 8 weeks and we are on week 2. She could go off earlier if the brain pattern called hypssarythmia changes (which is what we want). Pray for little Mercy. she is growing by leaps and bounds despite the setbacks. She still has a few of her baby reflexes that make her look younger than she is, but I have been told that this will pass too. She is slow developing which we knew she would be. Please pray for Mercy as she has a long row to hoe. She has physical therapy on Tues. and Thurs. mornings and is doing great with that:-)

She's just alittle trooper! She is due to have her second EEG tomorrow, if you are on facebook I will be updating on there tomorrow night sometime. I hope you all enjoy the lovely (wet) spring weather!

1 comment:

shutterbug (Elaine) said...

I'm finally getting around to catching up on some blogs! I've been spending all my time on Facebook. :p Thanks for the update here. It's a lot more detailed than the updates on Fb. :) I love this pic of Mercy! I can't believe how big she's getting! Can't wait to see you all next weekend. :) {{{Hugs to everyone}}}
