This is a part of my "She giveth meat" series. I thought this one would go well for a thrifty Thursday post :-)
Kitchen Tips:
Keep recipe cards in a photo album book that has slots for 3x5 inch photos. It is easier to work with than a recipe box.
the following is a recommended monthly food-ahead schedule:
1st Monday of the month-- make supper menus and grocery list.
1st Tuesday of the month-- shop for cook-ahead (about 1 and a half hours)
1st Wednesday of the month--cook-ahead day (5-7 hours; preempt everything but quiet time and dailies)
2nd Wednesday of the month- bake-ahead day (during morning chore time)
3rd Wednesday of the month- dessert bake-ahead
4th Wednesday of the month- flexible
General kitchen tips:
break off edge of an aloe vera plant and rub on minor skin scrapes or sores. If you keep it in the kitchen window sill, it's handy for use.
Suggested daily basic schedule
A basal schedule is provided for those that would like more specifics on daily scheduling. As with everything personal tailoring will occur after a season of use.
The following are to be done before going to bed in order to be ready for the morning.
all dishes washed and put away.
pack lunches and refrigerate
breakfast table set with dishes and vitamins
pans, spatulas, etc. needed for breakfast set out
all rooms straightened
6am make bed (wash sheets on Tuesdays; blankets during spring/fall cleaning)
personal grooming
clean bathroom mirror, sink, counter, tub(use window squeegie to take excess water off), toilet, straighten items and shower curtain, put up fresh towels, bring laundry to hallway, replace trash bag, and wipe down floor with damp towel.
start load of laundry
awaken children; make beds, pick-up clothes, children's grooming
The following sections of work may be arranged in any order between 7 and 11:30 but all should be accomplished during this time.
personal morning devotions and prayer.
breakfast: eggs or hot cereal, bread of some form, vitamin c fruit or juice, and milk; wash dishes, wipe down table and counter tops, and straighten table (children can help). Some families enjoy morning devotions together at the table.
Dailies: vacuum, sweep, dust(children do their rooms)
family chores: hang out laundry, iron, mend, bake, etc.
school transport or homeschool (mom present from 9-10:30; children finish on their own)
project time: canning, quilting, needlework, baking, etc. (laundry folding and putting away may be done here if doing daily laundry)
11:30 Clean up call for all items out!
prepare lunch( use leftovers reheated or prepared from night before)
12 noon lunch; reading time (homeschoolers may want to read biographies out loud) wash dishes, outside playtime
the following sections of work may be placed in any order between 1 and 4:30
quiet time; naps; personal devotion time/diary writing (our curtains are drawn and the house is to be quiet; avoid being interrupted at this time)
sewing project time
homework hour, finish any schoolwork not completed.
evening chores: animal feeding, pick up from play
4:30 clean up call for all items out
supper prep: main course (recommend once-a-month cooking technique), fresh bread, raw vegetable and cooked vegetable(one should be green and one should be yellow) carbohydrate (rice, pasta, or potatoes), and fresh fruit for dessert.
5:30 supper and clean up
Assign someone to do the following chores after supper (be flexible here, waiting on husbands not vise-versa)
clear table, wipe table, vacuum or sweep under table
put away extra food, make lunches
start pots and pans washing; wipe stove, wash and rinse dishes
dry dishes; set table for breakfast
put away dishes, pans, etc. wipe down drainer, counters and stove
clean sink, quick-mop floor, set out fresh towels
hymn singing and scripture memory works well during this work time. Reading one book of Proverbs as corresponds to the day of the month and a short devotional article orally is another suggestion for family clean up time.
6:30pm. family time; clean up call; baths,bedtime
general guidelines for children's bedtimes:
ages 2-4......... 7-7:30
Hope this is helpful!!! Happy mothering!!!
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